Receive user scores

There's a lot you can build with user scores. Go all out!

Our systems can send your users' scores to you in real-time. Our partners use scores for innovative use cases:

  • Create leaderboards, and organise tournaments on your platform

  • Give score targets to your users and reward them if they achieve scores

We can send user scores to you in 2 ways:

Via Webhooks

You can get scores of your users in real-time providing us a POST API / webhook URL. Gamezop will push your users' scores to this API.

In order for this to work, you must also append a sub query parameter to the game url received in the All Games API.

For example:

The value of this sub param must be a unique user identifier for the user playing the game. Max supported length of this value is 100 characters. Scores are always scoped to a game and user identifier.

Webhook to receive scores from Gamezop


Gamezop posts user scores in real-time to your webhook


We will send a JSON object to your webhook when users' scores update. The data body will contain the following fields:

Via client-side broadcasts

Client-side callbacks can also be made for these score updates.

This is usually needed if you wish to use them to trigger custom UI elements. We could add your JS tags to games, or make broadcasts over a WebView bridge.

Please contact your Gamezop Account Manager to enable client-side broadcasts.

Last updated