🎯Understand Gamezop Campaign Links

This page explains what Gamezop Campaign Links are, and how they are structured.

This is only relevant for Gamezop Publishers that source ad campaigns from Gamezop, which they then run on their own apps / websites to earn additional advertising revenue.

Whenever our team shares details on any ad campaign with you, we will share the creatives for that campaign, and the URL to which you must send your users when they click on those creatives. We refer to this click-through URL as a "Gamezop Campaign Link".

Here's a sample Gamezop Campaign Link:


Here are the details for the URL parameters that we support:

URL Parameter KeyIs Mandatory?Notes



Prefed in the Gamezop Campaign Link that we share with you; unique identifier for the ad-campaign you are promoting.



Prefed in the Gamezop Campaign Link that we share with you; this is your Gamezop Property ID.



You can pass a Click ID to uniquely identify each click. If you do so, we will pass it back to you on your Postback URL when we record a conversion.

click-id values should ideally be unique, and never repeated.



Just like a Click ID, you can also send a Site ID, to be sent back on your Postback URL at the time of us recording a conversion.



Can be used to capture any additional datapoint that you wish to track.



Can be used to capture any additional datapoint that you wish to track.



Can be used to capture any additional datapoint that you wish to track.



Can be used to capture any additional datapoint that you wish to track.



Can be used to capture any additional datapoint

that you wish to track.

Other notes

  • If there are any special characters / spaces in the values you pass for the optional parameters, ensure that you URL encode those values. Tracking will not work accurately if you do not encode the values.

  • Maximum supported length for the values of the optional parameters is 250 characters.

  • When our team shares ad campaigns with you, they will also share other details - such the countries within which to run the campaign, or the date range within which to run the campaign - ensure that you adhere to those restrictions. Gamezop Campaign Links will return errors when opened outside the restrictions shared with you.

If you also want us to configure your Postback URL, visit this doc:

🔀Configure your Postback URL

Last updated