🍄Custom Ad Attribution Parameters (CAAP)

If you have a use case where you want granular reporting of revenue data - beyond what you get from our standard reports, you can use our Custom Ad Attribution Parameters to meet that use case.

Our APIs and dashboard give you a breakdown of your revenue data against your Property ID. However, let's say you operate an ad network, and you backfill your remnant inventory with banners for our products. You have thousands of publishers and it's impossible for us to create thousands of Property IDs for you. How do you get a breakdown of your Gamezop revenue for each of your publishers?

That's where CAAP comes in. This document will explain how it works, and what you need to do to get started.

Get Started

Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Make a string with your tracking parameters

You may have one or more attributes you want to track. Let's take the same ad network example above. You have 5 publishers that monetise with your demand. You also have multiple ad sizes / placements per publisher. You may want us to help you with a breakdown by each of your publishers + ad sizes. Or you may want a breakdown by page route / domain. Whatever you want to track, make a string out of it.

For this example, let's say our string is publisher-example.com_placement-homePageATF

Ensure you do not use any of the following characters within your string:



Double quotes


Single quotes


Equal sign


Exclamation point


Plus sign


Pound or hash sign












Angle brackets


Square brackets





Step 2: Base64URL encode the string

If you encode the above string (publisher-example.com_placement-homePageATF) as Base64URL, you get: cHVibGlzaGVyLWV4YW1wbGUuY29tX3BsYWNlbWVudC1ob21lUGFnZUFURg

Ensure you are using Base64URL encoding, and not regular Base64 encoding. Base64URL encoding will not contain == at the end of the encoded value.

Take the Unique Link of the and add a URL parameter cust-params. Pass the encoded value from Step 2 in this parameter.

For example, if your Gamezop Unique Link is 1234.play.gamezop.com and you want to pass publisher-example.com_placement-homePageATF as your tracking value, your final URL will look like this:


Step 4: Get all values whitelisted for reporting

The values that you pass as cust-params with your Unique Link need to be whitelisted by our team so that they can be made available to you on the Gamezop Business Dashboard / our Revenue APIs.

Make a list of all the possible values you may send in the custom params and send it to your Gamezop Account Manager so that they can be whitelisted.

Keep in mind that you will need to send the decoded values to our team for whitelising.

Tracking revenue

After your tracking values have been whitelisted by our team, you can start sending traffic to your Unique Links with the cust-params parameter.

We allow you to track your revenue numbers in 2 ways:

In both of those cases, when generating any report, you have the option to pick the dimensions for the report. One of the dimensions we support is key-values. When you break down your revenue with the key-values dimension, you will see all the tracking values you passed with your Unique Links, along with the revenue each of them made.

You will also be able to see other metrics such as impressions, clicks, eCPM against each of your tracking values.

Product Compatibility

CAAP is not compatible with all Zop products yet.

ProductCAAP support






Important caveat

We use a mix of several different sources for ad-monetisation. For CAAP to work, each of these ad networks would need to support key-value reporting, which is not the case. As a result, the total revenue you make on your Property ID may be greater than the sum of revenues from your Gamezop Key-Values Report.

This difference arises from those revenue sources of ours which do not support key-value reporting. We suggest that you distribute this delta between your trackers in the ratio of the key-value attributed revenue numbers.

Last updated