Integrate via All Games API

Gamezop All Games API allows you to access data on our games so you can list them in your own UI.

The All Games API lets you access a list of games and associated details (description, screenshots etc.) so that you can directly launch games from your app / site instead of sending users to the Gamezop Game Centre.

Making the request

Get All Games


Get a list of games objects.

Query Parameters




Your Property ID



ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code. A full list of valid language codes is available in the IANA Language Subtag Registry (search for Type: language)

Sample response

The response contains a single array games with multiple game objects. Each games object contains



A unique alphanumeric identifier for the game


The URL to the game that you can embed in your app or website


A name object for the game, capturing the game name in multiple languages. It will always have an en value of the name of the game. The object will also have the name of the game in the language requested in the API call, if any. If we do not have the game name translated in the language requested, you will get an empty string for that language's value.


true if the game is a Portrait game; false if the game is Landscape


A short description object of the game (can be displayed to the end-user), capturing the game description in multiple languages. It will always have an en value of the description of the game. The object will also have the description of the game in the language requested in the API call, if any. If we do not have the game description translated in the language requested, you will get an empty string for that language.


A game preview object for the game, containing video links in multiple languages. A game preview is basically a link to a YouTube video containing a screen recording of the game being played. You can use this to show the user how the game is to be played. This value may be empty for some games. Note: There may be several games without any game preview links.


An assets object for the game. This contains several assets that can be used as promotional banners:

  • cover: CDN URL to a 600x492 pixels image asset

  • brick: CDN URL to a 310x150 pixels image asset

  • wall: CDN URL to a 1024x500 pixels image asset

  • thumb: CDN URL to a

  • square: CDN URL to a

  • screens: An array of 3 CDN URLs with screenshots of gameplay

  • coverTiny: CDN URL to a very low-res image asset for the game which can be used as a placeholder till the cover image can load

  • brickTiny: CDN URL to a very low-res image asset for the game which can be used as a placeholder till the brick image can load

To find more assets for any particular game, enter the code from the API for that game in our Creatives Library's search bar.


The genre to which the game belongs.

It will always have an en value for the categories of the game. This value will have an array of the categories that the game falls in. A game will always belong to only one of these categories:

  • Arcade

  • Action

  • Sports & Racing

  • Strategy

  • Puzzle & Logic

  • Adventure

The array may optionally have a second value:

  • Featured

This second category is present for games that are currently trending / popular on the Gamezop platform. Featured games change frequently. The object will also have the category names in the language requested in the API call, if any. If we do not have translations for the category names the requested language, you will get an empty array for that language.


The height (in pixels), of the canvas in which the game runs. Useful if you want to allocate a specific amount of space for the game on your desktop webpage.


The width (in pixels), of the canvas in which the game runs. Useful if you want to allocate a specific amount of space for the game on your desktop webpage.


Lifetime count of game plays for that game. Each time a user finishes a game start and end loop, it is counted as 1 game play. Each user session may have several game plays.


If true, it means that this game has in-game ads which cannot be removed. In-game ads are different from the ads that come before or during gameplay.

In-game ads are those ads which users opt-in to watch. For instance, users may have an option to get an extra life by watching an ad. If the value for hasIntegratedAds is false, it means that the game does not give users any option to watch an ad. If you are working with us on a model where you have ads disabled, you should avoid using games where this value is true.

If the API response contains any other keys besides the ones documented above, do not use those keys. They will be removed from the API.

Here's a sample API response

URL Param values in the sample API call:

  • id -> 3025

  • lang -> fr

Sample response with 1 games object.

  "games": [
      "code": "41rGO1Gbqe",
      "url": "",
      "name": {
        "en": "Pixel Brothers",
        "fr": "Freres de pixel"
      "isPortrait": true,
      "description": {
        "en": "Tap in the right direction to rotate the wheel and remain unscathed from monster attacks.",
        "fr": "Allez dans la bonne direction pour faire tourner la roue et rester indemne contre les attaques du monstre."
      "gamePreviews": {
        "en": "",
        "fr": ""
      "assets": {
        "cover": "",
        "brick": "",
        "thumb": "",
        "wall": "",
        "square": "",
        "screens": [
        "coverTiny": "",
        "brickTiny": ""
      "categories": {
        "en": [
        "fr": [
      "tags": {
        "en": [
        "fr": []
      "width": 338,
      "height": 600,
      "colorMuted": "#5b5b5b",
      "colorVibrant": "#270282",
      "privateAllowed": true,
      "rating": 3.75,
      "numberOfRatings": 0,
      "gamePlays": 3531392,
      "hasIntegratedAds": true

Caching the API response

We discourage integrating our API directly in your front-end project. Instead, request data from the All Games API from your servers, and cache the data at your end. Service your frontend requests from your own APIs using this data.

We strongly suggest you set up a cron to update the games data on your server once every 24 hours. We often add new games and update other data for existing games, which your users may not be able to access if you do not refresh your cache.

Looking for a deeper integration with our games? Check out Gamezop's advanced guides.

💪Advanced guides

Last updated